Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Light Series 2

Restaurant: Liberty Steakhouse & Brewery
There is a lot of non-functioning light and glare in this space.
This first picture, my favorite, shows the brilliant sparkle displayed here by using christmas lights to create a flag on the beams. This makes the space unique and gives a warm glow to the space underneath it, pulling people into the center of the space, and inviting them to relax, stay and have a beer.
The second picture shows the bar area, and the glare that is reflected from the point lights directed onto the liquor bottles, as well as the glare from the one lonely fluorescent light. All in all this area is still ok, but it does create some glares that could be solved with a different bulb, or a redirection of a point light.
The last picture is my biggest issue. The glare coming through the windows on the west side of the building forces the blinds closed that look out into the brewery. This makes the bar a dark hole, and cuts off the highlighted area of the restaurant, the brewery. Just by tinting the exterior windows of the brewery would solve all problems, and then blinds wouldn't be needed.

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